
Frances Perkins

Frances Perkins was a labor-rights advocate who served as the 4th United States Secretary of Labor from 1933 to 1945, the longest to serve in that position. Architect of at least half of the New Deal, which she first developed as then-Governor Roosevelt's State Industrial Commissioner of New York, Perkins was the first woman ever to serve in a presidential cabinet, later teaching at Cornell ILR. I later lived in her old rooms as a Faculty Fellow of Telluride House behind Cornell Law School.

Case Studies

IV. Draft Legislation, Congressional Testimony, Journalism

Draft Legislation, Much of It Already Formally Proposed in Congress or in State or Local Legislatures, Instituting and Implementing the Plans Elaborated Under the 'Plans and Schemes' Heading. Legislative & Regulatory Testimony and Journalism as Well.

Image: Frances Perkins, Architect of the New Deal and first woman to serve in a White House Cabinet

Draft Legislation

The Draft Legislation here gives specific statutory expression to many of the programmatics laid out in the Plans & Schemes module. Some of these bills have been formally proposed in the US Congress, sundry state legislatures, and various city councils. Others await formal spnsorship.

Image: Roman Senate

Congressional Testimony

These papers transcribe testimony Hockett has given before sundry legislative committees, regulators, and courts on his and others' plans.

Image: Ben Franklin at his printing press, 18th century Philadelphia

Columns, OpEds, Occasional Journalism

I'm no Marx or Keynes, but like them I do try to accompany most of my scholarly, policy advocacy, and legislative work with more accessible journalistic companion pieces. Here are some of my regular columns for Forbes, The Hill, FT, and Huffington Post, along with other occasional journalism.

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